Gulf Job Vacancy | Want for Kuwait / Qatar

Gulf Job Vacancy Want for Kuwait Qatar

Gulf Job Vacancy | Urgently Want For Kuwait / Qatar At 4 To 5 Star Hotel , Client Zoom interview , All Interested Candidate Can Send Their CV & All Relevant Documents To Email Address Provided by Consultants. Candidate Should Be Good In English Speaking & Good Looking With Pleasant Personalities.

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Job Positions:

  1. Light Drivers
  2. Bike Drivers
  3. Kitchen Home Appliances Technician
  4. Waitress (Female Waiter)
  5. Landscape Foreman (Tree Care)
  6. Landscape Foreman (Lawn & Ground)
  7. Irrigation Technician
  8. Warehouse Supervisor / Purchaser
  9. Surveyor / Autocad Draftsman
  10. MEP Supervisor & Engineer
  11. Heavy Drivers
  12. Buldozer Operator

Experience & Descriptions: All Designations Experience & Descriptions Are Given On Email Address.

Job Location: Kuwait / Qatar

Job Image:

Gulf Job Vacancy  Want for Kuwait  Qatar

Hiring Organisation:

Consultant Name: Bismillah Enterprises

Address: Crystal Park Co-op. Housing Society, Shop No.9, 134, S V Road, Captain Sawant Marg, near Markaz Restaurant, Jogeshwari West, W, Maharashtra 400102

Contact: 022 26786454 / 022 26786921


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How to Apply?

To apply for this job position please send your updated Cv, education certificate, experience certificate, and copy of the passport in PDF format to the given email address. Don’t forget to mention the job position in the email subject line.

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