Gulf jobs | Hiring for Hydrophonic project of fruits & vegetable – Saudi

Gulf jobs Hiring for Hydrophonic project of fruits & vegetable - Saudi
Gulf jobs  Hiring for Hydrophonic project of fruits & vegetable - Saudi

Gulf jobs | Urgently hiring for a leading Hydrophonic project of fruits & Vegetables in Saudi Arabia. Client Interview in Mumbai, Requirements in very large, Attractive salary with other essential Facilities provided by the Company. CV Shortlisting is in progress, All Interested candidates can send their CVs & all relevant documents to the email address provided by the Consultants.

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Job Positions:

  1. Project Management Manager – Agriculture Engineer With MBA – 15 Years Exp. In Hydrophonic Farming With Selling & Marketing of Fruits & Vegetables Production.
  2. Agriculture Engineer – Degree in Agriculture Engineering- 10 years Exp. With Knowledge in Horticulture, Plants, Flowers, Pruning, and Planting of Plants in Various Seasons and Their Fertilizers, Pesticides Etc.
  3. Accountant – & Mba With Computer Knowledge-10 Years of Experience in the Accounting Field.
  4. Receptionist / Office Administrator – Degree in Arts/Science With Computer Knowledge – 10 Years Experience in a Similar Field.
  5. Electrician – Iti/3 Years Electrical Diploma – 10 Years Experience in Maintenance of Various Equipment, Electrical Fittings & Installations.
  6. Electrical Foreman – Deg. / 3 Years Dip. In Electrical – 10 Years Exp. In Construction and Maint. Of Various Electrical Fittings and Eqpt.
  7. A/c Technician – ITI / 3 Years Mechanical Dip.-10 Yrs. Exp. In Maint, of a/c. Chill
  8. A/c Foreman – Bachelor Deg. In Mech. Engg. – 15 Yrs. Exp. In All Types of Window a/c, Split a/c, Chiller & Package Units, Refrigerator Etc.
  9. Water Plant Technician – ITI / diploma in Water Treatment – 10 Years Experience in R.o. Plant Preparation, Changing Filters, Cleaning of Plant and Its Accessories, Chemical Dosing, Deep Well Pump Operation, Checking of Water Quality Etc.
  10. Electronic Technician – ITI / 3 Years Diploma in Electronics – 10 Years Experience in Telephone, Epabx, Tv Etc.
  11. Store Keeper – Graduate With Computer Literate – 10 Years Experience in Inventory and Stock Control Etc.

Experience: All Candidates should have Experience in the gulf in their relevant fields.

Eligibility: All Candidates must be ITI / Diploma / Degree in their relevant fields.

Salary Descriptions: Excellent Salary with other essential benefits provided by the Company.

Note: All Interested candidates can send their CVs & all relevant documents to the email address provided by the Consultants.

Job Location: Saudi Arabia

Hiring Organisation:

Consultant Name: Creative Enterprises

Address: 82/10, Badrikeshwar Bldg, Patan Jain Mandal Marg, Opp. Hindi Vidya Bhawan School, Marine Drive, Mumbai – 400 002.

Contact: 022-22029349 / 8104132329


Apply for the Gulf Job Vacancies for maintenance projects in Saudi & UAE


To apply for this job position please send your updated Cv, education certificate, experience certificate, and copy of the passport in PDF format to the given email address. Don’t forget to mention the job position in the email subject line.

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