Danem Engineering Qatar vacancies – 300+ vacancies apply

Danem Engineering Qatar vacancies

Danem Engineering Qatar vacancies | Urgent requirements for Qatar shutdown project in Danem engineering company. 6-9 month shutdown project. Cv selection cum telephonic interview.

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Job Description:

S.No.PositionNosSalary (QR)
1.Instrument technician501100+300
2.Instrument technician – team leader201800+300
3.Electrician – team leader101800+300
4.Instrument Fitter151300+300
5.Rigger 3rd party certified1201000+300
6.Spray painter201200+300
7.Electrician (Ac & Dc repair – workshop maintenance)201300+300
9.Structural fitter801250+300
10.Welding chargehand201700+300
11.Chargehand Pipefitter201800+300
12.Chargehand – Structural201800+300
13Fire watcher201000+300

Job Location: Qatar

Company: Danem Engineering Qatar

Qualification: ITI / Diploma / Technical certificate

Experience: Must have some Gulf experience in the relevant field.

Benefits: Free accommodation and transportation

Email: gmcqatar2020@gmail.com

Consultancy: Golden Manpower Consultants, Jugsalai, Jamshedpur

Contact: +91 – 8252067063 / 8258009773 / 9955099011

How to Apply

To apply for this job position please send your updated Cv, education certificate, experience certificate, and copy of the passport in PDF format to the given email address. Don’t forget to mention the job position in the email subject line.

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