Madina Group Qatar – A large number of vacancies

Madina Group Qatar

Madina Group Qatar -Free recruitment Madina group, vacancies in large numbers. Operational excellence, urgently required for GTL shell project in Qatar shutdown project.

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Ref No: SS-017

Job Position:

  1. Superintendents – Mechanical/ Piping/ Rigging
  2. Supervisors / Foreman – Mechanical/ Piping / Rigging/ Valve / Welding
  3. Qc Inspectors – Piping / Welding / Mechanical
  4. Tig & Arc Welders – Cs/ss/ Inconel
  5. Full Tig Welders – Cs / Ss/ Inconel
  6. Coordinators – Ptw/ Valve / Logistic
  7. Document Controllers
  8. Hse officers
  9. Permit Receivers
  10. Pipe Fabricators
  11. Fitters – Mechanical / Pipe
  12. Storekeepers
  13. Fire Watcher / Hole Watcher
  14. Riggers
  15. Heavy Drivers (Truck/ Trailer)
  16. Forklift Operator
  17. Bus Drivers Light Drivers

Job Location: Qatar

Company: Madina Group Qatar

Experience: For all above categories candidates must have good shutdown experience in gcc region with oil & gas companies & refineries. For Operator and drivers Qatar Driving license is must.


Consultancy: Asiapower Overseas Employment Services, 28, Aarti Arcade, 4th Floor, 86 Dr. Radhakrishna Road, Opp. AVM Rajeswari, Marriage Hall, Mylapore, Chennai-600004

Contact: 045-28114437 / 28111390 / 6380182984

Interview Location: Client Interviews on 18th & 19th August 2021 @ Dawn Technical & Training Institute, 291,292, Anna Nagar, Kovur, Thandalam, Chennai-128

Note: Shortlisting interviews will be held between 12 noon to 5 pm (Mon-Thurs).

Apply for Bapco job vacancies Bahrain

How to Apply?

To apply for this job position please send your updated Cv, education certificate, experience certificate, and copy of the passport in PDF format to the given email address. Don’t forget to mention the job position in the email subject line.

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