Assignment abroad jobs | 13 January Gulf job paper Pdf Download – A large number of job vacancies for the leading companies UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Asia, Africa, Europe etc. Cv shortlisting is in progress, selected candidates will be invited for the final interview. Please check the details and apply accordingly as mentioned in the image given in the PDF E-Paper.
Assignment abroad jobs – 13 jan Pdf Download

To download the Gulf job newspaper today Pdf paper (Assignment abroad Time jobs) just click the Download button given below. All these job vacancies are provided by the various manpower agencies across India.
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Job Positions in the given Assignment abroad jobs pdf:
- Rotating/Static equipment Supervisor
- Rotating/Static equipment Foreman
- Rigging foreman
- Pipe fabricator
- Strauctural fabricator
- Pipe fitter
- Pipe welder
- Rigger
- Safety technician / Hole watcher
- Manpower gate pass cordinator
- Safety officer
- Mechanical helper
- Instrument technician
- electrical technician
- Millwright fitter
- pipe fabricators
- Tube fritter
- assistant electrician
- cable tray fitter
- FRP laminator
- NDT technician
- erector
- Sheet fitter
- Pipe Blaster
- Scaffolder
- Outdoor sale executive
- Accountant executive
- Driving instructor
- Steel fabricator
- Tile cum interlock mason
- Wall painter
- Diesel generator tech
- Diesel injection specialist
- Waiter
- Shelf boy
- Supervisor
- Mechanical inspector
- Welding inspector
- Hydro test supervsior
- RMD maxima
- BG supervisor
- SCM sr supervisor
- Quality control supervisor
- Pipe cutting supervisor
- Lathe operator
- Technical helper
- Tool and die maker
- Sr diesel mechanic
- JCB operator
- Wheel loader operator
- Excavator operator
- Crane operator
- Heavy truck driver
- Ro/STP plant foreman
- Ro/STP plant supervisor
- Auto mechanic
- Auto electrician
- Auto denter
- Auto painter
- Sr planning engineer
- HVAC supervisor
- Aluminium tech
- Electrical constrol tech
- Decoration technician
- BAS operator
- Lift technician
- Eectrical engineer
- Mechanical QC supervisor
- Industrial electrician
- Room boy
- Factory manager
And so on 100+ more job position listed on pdf paper.
Please share these job vacancies with your friends, relatives, and on social media who actually want to work in Gulf countries. provides the latest Gulf job vacancy, Gulf interviews across India, Assignment Abroad times, Gulf job papers, Overseas assignments, Overseas jobs, Eabroad jobs, Gulfwalkin, GCCwalkin, Abroad jobs.
How to Apply?
To apply for this job position please send your updated Cv, education certificate, experience certificate, and copy of the passport in PDF format to the given email address. Don’t forget to mention the job position in the email subject line.
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