300+ Ambe International vacancies for multiple companies in Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain. A large number of requirements for the leading companies. Job vacancies for Oil & Gas company, Shutdown project, Machinery manufacturing company, and Engineering company.
Ambe International Vacancies | Saudi, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain.

Ambe International Vacancies
Job List
Saudi Long-term Oil & Gas Jobs
Interview in Lucknow on 30th November, Aisha Site Center – Izzat Nagar Colony, Near Dubagga Bus Stand, Machili Mandi, Hardoi Road Lucknow (U P). Contact: 8887560392
Interview in Kolkata on 29th November, Hotel Royal Garden – 163a, Park Street, Kolkata – 700 017. Contact: 9732461633
Also, Apply: Oil & Gas jobs | Qatar | Bahrain | Saudi Arabia
Shutdown Project Jobs – Oman
Job openings for a leading Oil and Gas Comapny (Shutdown Project) in Oman. Final Client Interviews in VADODARA on 4th Dec. in Anuptech & in MUMBAI on 6th Dec. in Anuptech, R 421, Rabale, MIDC, Navi Mumbai.
Industrial Machinery Manufacturing – UAE
Hiring for Procurement Engineer – Qatar
Urgent requirements for Procurement Engineer in Qatar. Candidates must have degree in mechanical engineer, should have work experience in the same field.
Salary: 5000 + 1000 OT (QR)
Also, check: Wanted for Oman, Qatar, Abu-Dhabi
Bahrain & Saudi Job vacancies
For Bahrain:
Interview In Gorakhpur On 1st December At Global Welding Training & Test Center – House No.sie (Near Railway Line) Singharia Gorakhpur U.P.
Contact:- +91-9151315856/ 7309031959
For Saudi Arabia:
Interview in Lucknow on 30th November, Aisha Site Center – Izzat Nagar Colony, Near Dubagga Bus Stand, Machili Mandi, Hardoi Road Lucknow (U P). Contact: 8887560392
Interview in Kolkata on 29th November, Hotel Royal Garden – 163a, Park Street, Kolkata – 700 017. Contact: 9732461633
View All Ambe International Vacancies
Hiring Organization
Consultancy: Ambe International
Address: 507 Shah & Nahar Indl Estate, Dr. E. Moses Road, Worli Naka, Mumbai – 400 018
Contact: 9833280744 / 02261431234
How to Apply?
To apply for this job position please send your updated Cv, education certificate, experience certificate, and copy of the passport in PDF format to the given email address. Don’t forget to mention the job position in the email subject line.
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