Gulf Interview | Hiring for facility management company – Alyamama Saudi

Gulf Interview Urgently required for a leading facility management company - Alyamama Saudi

Gulf Interview | Urgently Required For A Leading Facility Management Company Located In KSA (Alyamama Saudi Arabia), All Interested Candidate Can Send CV As well As All Relevant Document For Shortlisting At Below Email id.

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Job Positions:

  1. Facility Manager
  2. Fire System Operator Command O
  3. Hard Service Manager
  4. Irrigation & Plumbing Superviosr
  5. Soft Service Manager
  6. CCTV Techncian
  7. BMS Operator Manager
  8. Low Current Engineer
  9. Fire System Optr Manager
  10. Pava – Technician
  11. Material Wareshouse Manager
  12. Network & Communication Tech
  13. HVAC Technician
  14. Mason / Plumber
  15. Hvac Superviosr
  16. Wall Painter / Welder Hvac Cum Mechanical Eng
  17. Janitor
  18. Medium Voltage Techncian
  19. Cleaner Superviosr
  20. Medium Voltage Superviosr
  21. BMS Technicina
  22. Lighting Technician
  23. BMS Superviosr
  24. Control Technician
  25. ELV Operation Room
  26. QC / Building Inspector
  27. Furniture Carpenter
  28. Gypsum Carpenter
  29. Emergency Power System Tech
  30. Fire Fighting Tech/ Supervisor
  31. HVAC Cum Mechanical Eng
  32. Fire Alarm & Detection Tech

Salary Descriptions: Attractive Salary With Free Food, Accomodation, Free Transportation Will Be Provided By Company.

Age: 22 Yrs to 40 Yrs (8 Hours Duty 1 Hours Lunch Break )

Experience: All Above Facility Maintenance Experience Is Must Only Gulf Experience.

Job Location: Saudi Arabia

Job Image:

Gulf Interview  Urgently required for a leading facility management company - Alyamama Saudi

Hiring Organisation:

Consultant Name: Gulf Jobs Openings


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How to Apply?

To apply for this job position please send your updated Cv, education certificate, experience certificate, and copy of the passport in PDF format to the given email address. Don’t forget to mention the job position in the email subject line.

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