Gulf Interview | Jobs for Oman & Saudi Arabia

Gulf Interview | Job vacancies for Ship maintenance company, Electro-mechanical company, Kalhat Services & Trading company, and Naffco company in Saudi Arabia & Oman.

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All interested candidates with related experience please send your Cv and supporting documents to the email address given in the images.

Gulf Interview

Ship Maintenance Company – Saudi Arabia

Ship Maintenance Company - Saudi Arabia

Urgent requirements for Ship maintenance company (Dry docks) in Saudi Arabia. Client interview at Chennai on 20/02/2023. Candidates must have a Diploma / Degree with a minimum of 5+ years of ship maintenance experience in industrial blasting/painting or ship Brasiveblasting & Coating.

Also, Apply for – Gcc walkins | Want for Saudi, Libanon, Qatar, Kuwait, Abu-Dhabi

Job Vacancy for Naffco – Saudi Arabia

Job Vacancy for Naffco - Saudi Arabia

BMS Technician job – Saudi Arabia

BMS Technician job - Saudi Arabia

Requirements for BMS technician for a leading Electro-Mechancial company in Saudi Arabia. Interview at Trichy on 23/02/2023. Candidates must have diplomas with 4+ years of related experience, Gulf experience is a must.

Also, Apply for – Gulf walkin interview in Mumbai – Saudi / UAE / Malta

Indoor Cleaner job – Oman

Indoor Cleaner job - Oman

Urgent requirements for Indoor Cleaner for Kalhat Services & Trading company in Oman. Client interview at Trichy on 21/02/2023.

Apply Process

To apply for any job position please send your updated Cv, education certificate, experience certificate, and copy of the passport in PDF format to the given email address. Don’t forget to mention the job position in the email subject line.

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