Gulf Walk-In | Wants for Technician / Driver in Saudi

Gulf Walk-In Wants for Technician Driver in Saudi

Gulf Walk-In | Saudi Arabia urgently needs technicians and drivers. All candidates should possess the necessary qualifications and experience for the positions they are applying for. The organization offers attractive pay along with other necessary amenities. The Company offers Free Accommodations & Transportation Facilities. The oil and gas industry experience is a requirement for all candidates. To the email address provided by the consultants, all interested candidates should send their resumes and any other pertinent papers.

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Job Positions:

  1. Rigger
  2. Fabricator – Pipe & Structural
  3. Heavy Driver – Saudi License.
  4. Welder – 6G Multi (CS / SS Alloy Inconel)

Experience: All Candidates should have experience of minimum 3+ yrs in Oil & Gas Industry.

Eligibility: All Candidates must have Qualifications relevant to their Positions.

Salary Descriptions: Excellent salaries along with other essential facilities are provided by the Company.

Benefits: Free Accommodation, Food, & Transportation facilities are provided by the Consultants.

Note: All interested candidates should send their CVs and any other pertinent papers as soon as possible to the consultants’ email addresses.

Job Location: Saudi Arabia

Job Image:

Gulf Walk-In  Wants for Technician  Driver in Saudi

Hiring Organisation:

Consultant Name: Teampro HR & IT Services Pvt. Ltd.

Address: Second Floor, No. 61, Samayapuram Nagar, 2nd Street Karambakkam, Porur, Chennai. 600116.

Contact: + 91 7305068436 / +91 7305056205


Apply for the Work Visa for Gulf Countries for Kuwait / Oman / Saudi Arabia

How to Apply?

To apply for this job position please send your updated Cv, education certificate, experience certificate, and copy of the passport in PDF format to the given email address. Don’t forget to mention the job position in the email subject line.

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