Jerry Varghese job vacancies for multiple companies in Saudi Arabia, Oman, and UAE – A large number of job openings for EPC Companies, supermarkets, Industrial bakeries, Refinery maintenance projects, and Oil & Gas projects. Shortlisting is in progress – To apply for the job position please send your updated Cv to the given email address.
Jerry Varghese job vacancies | 100+ jobs for Gulf

Jerry Varghese job vacancies
Job List
Short-term Turn around project – Saudi Arabia
Our client is a leading EPC company in UAE provide support to the energy sector for more than 40 years. They now urgently seek to hire the above professionals as given in the image.
Hiring for Supermarket – Saudi Arabia
Job opportunities for Saudi Arabian client face-to-face interviews will be tentatively 2nd the week of December 2022 in Bangalore & Mumbai. Our client is one of the fastest-growing supermarket chains in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. They now urgently seek to hire the above professionals as given in the image.
Also, check – Large vacancies for Oman & Saudi – 100+
Leading consumer-based bakery – Saudi Arabia

Bakery Opportunities for Saudi Arabia – Our Client Is a Leading Consumer-Focused Industrial Bakery Based in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Led to the Group’S Unique Expansion across the Bakery Value Chain, with Successful Operations in Egg Farming and Processing, the Trade and Manufacture of Bakery Ingredients, Production, and Distribution of Bakery Packaged Goods as well as the Development of Dynamic and Varied Chains of Retail Formats.
Service & Maintenance for Petrochemical – Oman & KSA

Job Opportunities for Oman & Ksa Final Client Face-to-Face Interview Tentatively by 2nd Week of December 2022 in Mumbai, Baroda & Chennai. Our Client is a Leading Multinational Japanese Company Providing Operations and Maintenance Services to Refineries and Petrochemical Plants in GCC. They Now Urgently Seek to Hire the Following Professionals as Given in the Image. Apply Online
Operation & Maintenance Services – Saudi & Oman

OPPORTUNITIES FOR OMAN & KSA – Our client is a leading Multinational Japanese company providing Operations and Maintenance Services to Refineries and Petrochemical Plants in GCC.
View all Jerry Varghese job vacancies
Check today Gulf Jobs – PDF
How to Apply?
To apply for this job position please send your updated Cv, education certificate, experience certificate, and copy of the passport in PDF format to the given email address. Don’t forget to mention the job position in the email subject line.
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