Leading Operation And Maintenance in Saudi Arabia | Client interview in Delhi on 30th & 31st Oct.,In Ptana on 1st Nov., In Chennai on 2nd Nov.,In Mumbai on 3rd Nov. And in Hyderabad on 4th Nov. 2021
Leading Operation And Maintenance Project- Saudi Arabia

1. Air Conditioning Engineer
2. General electrical engineer
3. Electricity technician
4. General mechanical engineer
5. Civil engineer
6. Telecommunications technician
7.Safety and occupational health technician
8. Programmed machine maintenance
Electronic (Electronic Technician)
9. Air conditioning & cooling maintenance technician
10. Control machinery technicians
11. Mechanical Technician
12. Transformation plant & installation
13. Control machiney technician
14. Pump and compressor maint. mechanic
15. Hosehold appliances electricians
16.Office machines maint. mechanic
17.Washing and ironing machines mechanic
18.Operator, Water boilers
19. Gas pressure machine operator
20. Water purification chemist
21. Water treatment plant operator
22. Lift electrician
23. Car mechanic
24. General chemist
All positions must have DEGREE/DIPLOMA in their respective field
E.MAIL: mg37@mgheewala.com
CONTACT: TEL -022-6166571/698
CONSULTANCY: M. GHEEWALA GLOBAL HR CONSULTANCY- 202, 2nd floor,Bombay market, Tardeo road , Mumbai-34
Interested candidates can send their updated CV, Passport Copy, qualification & experience certificate by email with the position applied in the subject line
Only shortlisted candidates will be allowed for final interview