Malayala classified gulf jobs – A large number of job vacancies for the leading companies in Saudi Arabia & Oman. Shortlisting is in progress for a long-term project, interested candidates with related experience please send your Cv and supporting documents to the given email address.
Malayala classified gulf jobs – job vacancies for Saudi & Oman

Workshop Maintenace technician

Job Location: Oman
Salary: 236.80 OMR
JCB / Dozer Operator

Job Location: Saudi Arabia
Salary: 1200+200 Saudi Riyal
Heavy Trailer Driver

Job Location: Saudi Arabia
Salary: 1300+200 Saudi Riyal
Tile & Marble Mason

Job Location: Saudi Arabia
Salary: 1200+200 Saudi Riyal
Oil & Gas Company Saudi Arabia

Job Location: Saudi Arabia
Salary: 1200-1600 Saudi Riyal
Sriram Consultancy – No. 4. 1st Floor, Vaniga Valagam, Nannilam Bus Stand, Nannilam, Thiruvarur Dist, Tamilnadu.
Contact: 7448564011 / 8508833241
How to Apply?
To apply for this job position please send your updated Cv, education certificate, experience certificate, and copy of the passport in PDF format to the given email address. Don’t forget to mention the job position in the email subject line.
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