Oil & Gas jobs | Hiring for a large & reputed company in Benin

Oil & Gas jobs Hiring for a large & reputed company in Benin

Oil & Gas jobs | Urgently Hiring for a large & reputed Oil & Gas Drilling Company in the Republic of Benin. Vacancies are on large scale, Shortliting is in progress, All Candidates should have experience in the gulf in their relevant fields. All Candidates must have ITI / Diploma / Degree in their relevant positions. Attractive salaries along with other essential facilities are provided by the Company. All Interested candidates can rush their CVs & all relevant documents to the email address provided by the Consultants.

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Job Positions:

  1. Chief Engineers – $4200-4700/- | (Responsibility is to Oversee the Entire Engineering Department)
  2. Heavy Mechanics – $3000-3300/- | (Repair and Maintain Machines and Hydraulic Systems)
  3. Electrical Officer – $3200-3500/- | (In charge of Maintenance of All Switchboard and Emergency Switchboard)
  4. Crane Operators – $2800-3000/- | (Execution of Loading/unloading Operations as Well as Organizing and Supervising the Deck Crews)
  5. Floorman – $2400-2700/- | (Responsible for Clearing the Area During and After the Drilling Operations, Moving & Manipulating Pipes & Drill Stems)
  6. Oilers – $2100-2300/- | (Maintaining, Cleaning, and at Times Operating Engine Parts, Including Blowers / Compressors / Motors/gears & Other Equipment)
  7. Roustabout -$2100-2300/- | (Guide the Operators and Attach Lifting Slings to the Loads, They Also Mix Drilling Mud.)
  8. Fitters (Pipe / Structural) – $2200-2500/ | (Boiler Pipe, Pressure Piping System, or Fitting) Candidates
  9. Cooks – $2000-2200/- | (Responsible Should Have in Making Continental Meals)
  10. Welders – $3000-3200/- | (IBM Certified Welder Pressure Piping System or Fitting)
  11. Motorman – $2750-3000/- | (Lubricates and Maintains Machinery in Rigs)

Experience: All Candidates should have experience in the gulf in their relevant fields.

Eligibility: All Candidates must have ITI / Diploma / Degree in their relevant positions.

Salary Descriptions: Attractive salaries along with other essential facilities are provided by the Company.

Note: All Interested candidates can send their CVs & all relevant documents to the email address provided by the Consultants.

Job Location: Benin.

Job Image:

Oil & Gas jobs  Hiring for a large & reputed company in Benin

Hiring Organisation:

Consultant Name: Chinar Travels & Trade Links.

Address: 33-L, Laxmi Indl. Estate, New Link Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai – 53

Contact: Tel.: 26362424 / 26367474 / 9821596814

Email: info@chinartravels.com

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How to Apply?

To apply for this job position please send your updated Cv, education certificate, experience certificate, and copy of the passport in PDF format to the given email address. Don’t forget to mention the job position in the email subject line.

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